The overall objective
The overall objective of the project is to support artists and professionals in the creative and cultural sectors, increase public access to culture and accelerate creative and cultural entrepreneurial initiatives.
Specific objectives

Specific objective 1
Improving the skills of 30 professionals in the creative/cultural fields, organizing an experience exchange trip for the promoter, a mobility program for 30 emerging artists and a creative camp over a period of 8 months.
Specific objective 2
Increasing access to culture through 6 contemporary art initiatives for 900 participants, organizing a mentoring program for 30 emerging artists, 8 video tutorials, a debate and a good practice guide over a period of 12 months.
Specific objective 3
Strengthening economic development by conducting an entrepreneurial acceleration program through workshops and organizing consulting sessions on the development of business plans for 120 beneficiaries in the creative/cultural sectors over a period of 12 months.